Cleveland Rape Crisis Center
Securing funding for critical community resources
Prior to 2014, there was no designated funding from the Ohio government for the 36 Rape Crisis Centers across the state. These centers relied heavily on Crime Access funds and donations to support their operations. The amount of money available to the centers continued to decrease as the need for their services increased across the state.

The Cleveland Rape Crisis Center, specifically, is one of the largest in the state, serving more than 55,000 individuals each year. Capitol Partners was able to aid representatives of the Rape Crisis Centers across Ohio in gaining designated funding. In this past year, Ohio Rape Crisis Centers were able to gain $15 million in federal funding to expand their outreach to 78 centers. Cleveland Rape Crisis Center secured $300,000 in the last budget to help fund its unique Human Trafficking prevention program.
Capitol Partners continues to help advocate for the important funding needed to continue programs at Rape Crisis Centers across Ohio. In addition to the funding secured in past years, Capitol Partners is working to increase the funding given to centers, specifically looking to increase the Cleveland Rape Crisis Center allocation from $300,000 to $500,000 in the next budget.
Ohio Rape Crisis Centers have been placed on Senator Sherrod Brown’s list for potential funding for a third time.